History suggests they will not abandon 1914
Business wise 1914 is the WT’s best product. It is the cash cow of the organization. It is what keeps the money rolling in. Nothing else the organization does matters. Overlapping generation, Faithful and discreet slave, types and antitypes is just new products that are being marketing to try to draw in new customers-(members-children)
They are smart enough to know that changing 1914 drastically could have serious repercussions financially for the organization. They are knowledgeable enough to know that to get rid of 1914 is tantamount to Lambert Pharmacal Co. getting rid of Listerine mouth wash or Procter & Gamble getting rid of Ivory soap.
You just don’t mess with your Cash Cow.
All these changes are just market ploys to try to attract and retain future members (Children being baptized) or the unwary.
1914 will stay until it is not being bought by anyone anymore. Then they will get rid of it.
You don't tug on Superman's cape.
You don't spit into the wind.
You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger.
And you don't mess around with 1914